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1 October Newsletter Friends of Eaglemont Village

The weekly Eaglemont news and views from Friends of Eaglemont Village
1 October Newsletter Friends of Eaglemont Village
Truck driver leaves the narrow Odenwald Road bridge blocked while he removes an inconvenient road sign

Working Bee This Friday 6 October - Alandale Road

This Friday 6 October we have a group of corporate volunteers coming to Eaglemont to support our land beautification efforts.

From 9:30 a.m. we will be at the Alandale & Wimbledon junction to prepare for planting around 200 trees, shrubs, groundcovers, grasses and flowers.

Rain predicted over Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will help planting conditions.

Around 20 volunteer visitors are expected, and we need some FofEV types to don the hiviz vests as mentors, guides, supervisors and cheer squad.

2008 view from Odenwald Road bridge of a train approaching Eaglemont Station. Note how sparse the vegetation looked then. FofEV and visiting volunteers are working to make this area a "head turning" bushland wildflower grove for locals and commuters

Thank you to those who have already committed to coming along - RSVP to John 0417 813381 if you can come along and help make this event a success.

Sit & Sew Eaglemont This Thursday 5th

Maureen reminds me that this week is Sit & Sew time at Eaglemont Dish - 2 p.m. onwards.

Come along for an opportunity to meet other fabric crafts people, have a coffee & cake courtesy of Australia Post.

Catjump Cafe Coming to Eaglemont

As foretold in this very chronicle Eaglemont is to get a new hospitality venue in the old Aniseed Cafe premises.

Limited information to hand but the painters and shopfitters have been busy preparing for a "healthy Asian inspired" eatery.

Placement of the counter/servery hints at an eat-in & takeaway setup.

New Wildflower Bed Created at Station

Following on from the culling of a sprawling cotoneaster alongside the outbound waiting room we have created a new bed of wildflowers.

Hey - they are just seedlings fresh out of the nursery now, but give them a couple of weeks of warmth and rain and watch them grow!

Eleven species have been planted initially.

Half a cubic metre of sandy loam has been purchased to build the raised bed on the impoverished platform side soil.

Thicker branches from the old cotoneaster have been used to get a bit of elevation for better drainage - assuming drainage might possibly be needed in el Ninò times.

It is now an open sunny spot in a high visibility part of the station.

Some perennials will be added over the next year.

And a special mention to Richard L who has demolished the Sherwood Road mulch heap and spread it over many square metres of the gardens both sides of Sherwood Creek.

Wildflowers Deserve Good Photos

Ryder-Cheshire Sweeping Gang Cleans Up

Several regulars were away on holidays but Judith, Stephen C & John fronted up to give the Ryder-Cheshire gardens, parking bays and paths a tidy up.

Sandra reports they are near capacity at Ryder-Cheshire presently - a lot of country cancer patients are in residence.

It is feared this is a legacy of delayed access to doctors and diagnostic services during Covid, then difficulty getting appointments as we emerged from the Covid era.

Stephen Gets Makers Group Underway

A group of retirees have begun a casual workshop making some "garden art" to add interest to our bushland wildflower walks along the rail corridor.

The "proof of concept" project being worked on.

Ideas welcome, constructors welcome, visitors welcome to just drop in for a chat and cuppa.

Such a relaxed atmosphere in the Village that even Bella the Jealous welcomed Lucy.

More information from Stephen  +61 407095722

Referendum Voting Booths

Mary V is thinking ahead, and has suggested we publish the details of local voting options for the upcoming referendum.

Not as local as we would prefer because our neighbourhood is still waiting for a suitable local venue to be provided us rates and taxes paying citizens for community use.

"Hi John.

Locations are a bit different to past, so might be good to add info to the newsletter:
The AEC website has voting places listed for the two options: pre-poll and on the day."

Where can I vote:   https://www.aec.gov.au/referendums/voting.htm#start

Here is the website for on the day:


and the map:

Coming Up This Month

Mothers & Babies Network

This group meets 1st & 3rd Mondays from 10:30 a.m. at Eaglemont Dish.

Working Bee Alandale Road

Friday 6th October from 9:30 a.m., assemble at junction of Alandale and Wimbledon.

Sit & Sew Group

First Thursday each month, so this Thursday 5th October, 2 p.m. at Eaglemont Dish

Ryder- Cheshire Gardening Gang

Last Wednesday each month, so 25 October from 9:30, 10 Donaldson St Ivanhoe

Eaglemont Village Sunday Market

29 October from 10 a.m.

Eaglemont Sunday Walkers

Resuming on Sunday 22 October after a bit of winter hibernation.

Meet at Eaglemont Dish at 9:30 (or arrive earlier to grab a coffee as the Dish commences Sunday trading!)

All fitness levels welcome - bring the baby, bring the dog, bring the grandchildren

Your Collected Posts to Eaglemont's Voice From Last Week

Odenwald Road Bridge - The Sorry Saga Continues
State Government tone deaf to Eaglemont road, rail & pedestrian safety issue
Dogs of Eaglemont #50
A salute to our canine companions
Fur, Feathers, Flowers and More #23
Natural history is just outside
Know Your Place # 11
Understand the evolution of the place we call home