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16 July Newsletter Friends of Eaglemont Village

Your weekly roundup of posts to Eaglemonts Voice
16 July Newsletter Friends of Eaglemont Village
Juvenile male Gang Gang takes a break from breakfast feasting

Make a cuppa, get yourself comfortable and delve into some history, some nature, some current affairs.

Announcement expected soon on future of Eaglemont Dish

Mothers & Babies Network

Change of date, and change of time -

now Monday 17th July, from 10:30 a.m.

Still at the Eaglemont Dish.

A free coffee and cake courtesy of Australia Post's community grant to Friends of Eaglemont Village awaits you!

All welcome - grannies, papas, older children, males, females - give yourself some adult company.

The Gangs Gangs have Returned - twice

Our visiting family group of Gang Gangs have returned in force to feast on the Eucalyptus caesia fruits.

Well just one pair was observed Monday morning. I thought perhaps they dined so well earlier that only a snack for two was left.

Very pleasant surprise to see 6 Gang Gangs on Wednesday morning, quickly joined by another pair.

Not the tidiest eaters of our E. caesia

No photo of the 8 together, but the sighting was confirmed by neighbour Stephen C of Studley Road.

Close inspection of the photos reveals a juvenile male - just starting to develop his scarlet head feathering - 3 adult males and 4 females. I could not detect if any female was a juvenile.

Juvenile male Gang Gang just starting to "colour up" to adult plumage.

Part of this small flock later headed to the railway station to "top up" on cotoneaster berries.

I observed 4 galahs previously eating cotoneaster berries there.

I am  now conflicted about the cotoneaster removal program. Only a little conflicted though.

FofEV plantings along the rail corridor are including casuarinas in the hope they will be a food source for our yellow-tailed black cockatoos in years to come.

Village Premises Listed For Sale

Hard on the heels of selling the Aniseed premises at auction, this property is now offered for private treaty sale by the same vendor.

We will pass on the Grand Opening date asap

Sold, Moving Out, For Lease - signs of the times

Planet Ark reminder

On 28 July FofEV is hosting a schools planting event for the Year 4 class of Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School.

This will involve "infill" planting between the Substation and Ashby Grove underpass.

This is Ashby Grove underpass looking east along Sherwood Road, likely in the late 1950s or early 1960s. Slip rail fences! (Photo HHS)

The trees and shrubs we put in originally are doing very well (what substation?) and now a bit of colour and foliage variety is needed around our feet.

When this event was first raised with the class they decided spontaneously to raise their own money to fund their plants!

FofEV will procure the plants for them from the Edendale Farm native nursery - a Nillumbik Council enterprise.

Long-term FofEV active member Liz D is starting to prepare planting holes in 5 zones to be allotted to teams of 5 or 6 students.

The ground conditions are dramatically better than when we started on that site, but hard digging still for youngsters.

This is how our event appears on the Planet Ark National Tree Day website.


Friends of Eaglemont Village has modest financial needs as an organisation.

We do not rent premises, we do not run vehicles, we do not pay salaries, no power bills, no phone bills.

As is the case in most micro-community organisations we rely on donated efforts, materials and services from our volunteers giving their time, their computer skills, their vehicles, their home offices etc gratis.

FofEV does have some outgoings - registrations, insurance costs and Village market fees chief among them. We do buy some gardening supplies for our plant nursery activity, we buy in some plants.

Mostly we regulate our major activities to utilising available grant funding, which is welcome and valued, but sporadic.

We have a generous sponsor in Bendigo Bank, we have grant funding through Banyule Council, we have received support via Federal MHR Kate Thwaites Jaga Jaga in the Federal community grants funds process.

Bendigo Bank is a supporter of Friends of Eaglemont Village.

Victrack corporate volunteers planted $2000 of plants VicTrack donated.

There are members who give donations in addition to our $10 annual family membership fee, particularly where they see they cannot contribute through labour at working bees.

Occaisionally we sell plants at our market stall as a fundraiser.

We ask that if you are reading this weekly Eaglemont community newsletter you chip in your $10 too.

That transfer of $10 to FofEV means more than $10 in the bank to us - it is a vote of confidence, it is validation of what we are doing.

$10. Annual. Family rate.

BSB is 633000

A/c is 177492964

(Please add (surname) (postcode) as Description to help our rudimentary accounting system.)

Rail station use refused

Banyule Council have tried hard to interest the rail authorities in leasing out the space in the Eaglemont Station for a community facility.

Intransigence reigns.

Rail property, and a rail focussed decision to keep the station reserved for very incidental use by very few rail staff - who could very easily do their Authorised Officer computer tasks at any other station on the Hurstbridge line.

Council - having recognised the case for a community facility in Eaglemont - will now return to the drawing board.

Eaglemont "improved walkability" discussions

A panel of FofEV worthies sat down in the Dish with Banyule Council's Alison Woods (Senior Transport Planner) to discuss how to improve the walkability of our neighbourhood.

A good natured talk for over an hour.

We will continue to develop proposals to make our home patch safer, more pleasant and easier to walk around.

Walking is good for socialising, for exercise, for getting from point A to point B.

Walking is more likely to occur if there are rest spots, shelter places, accessible public toilets, public lighting and some interest added to bland pathways.

Many forms of outdoors public artwork can give interest to our pedestrian areas.

All levels of government advocate the virtue of walking.

All levels of government seek to reduce or transfer costs - eg the cost of installing, or of maintaining, so-called "street furniture".

Public seating and bus shelters to you and me.

Public toilets? You know the offence against the public that's been going on - public transport withdrawing existing facilities from use, resisting including public toilets in new stations.

All the while local government does not want to accept responsibility for providing an adequate network of public toilets.

Cost of cleaning and maintenance is the main bugbear.

For Christ's or any other deity's Sake, it is the public that needs public toilets that foots the bill.

The fine notion of encouraging walking for all those valid reasons needs the addition of practical measures that do come at a cost - it is not a free ride.

We are buying our share of local government services with every obligatory rates payment we make, every discretionary fee or charge we incur.

FofEV will continue to advocate to others on your behalf, to work ourselves as volunteers to contribute, to keep the issue of your well-being before the people who have the capacity to improve our lives.

1st Anniversary

Tripping hazard? Gym equipment?

Still unsullied by the placement of bikes after a year's close observation by neighbouring residents...............

Unwanted, unloved, unused.

Dogs of Eaglemont #40
A salute to our canine companions
Fur, Feathers, Flowers and More #13
Your weekly round up of natural history hereabouts
Know Your Place #4
Eaglemont - within the broader and earlier named Heidelberg - has long been a favourite place for landscape artists. We are all familiar with the exploits and artistic works of the Heidelberg School of Artists. Lesser known are the other artists who painted landscapes of our area, even before the
Waldau Village
Who gets to pull on a guernsey for our team?
Major Civil Engineering Effort 1887 Creates Rail Line
How the rail cutting came into our lives
The Girl Who Fell From The Train
The mis-adventure of Miss McGrady
Eaglemont - A Geography Classroom
Nature study from Mt Eagle geology to the Yarra River’s billabongs
Elegant Living in Thoresby Grove
Elegance in our area
Vacant Block To Remain Vacant
Good try but no cigar
Dairyman, Laundryman, Football Dynasty
Football dynasty descended from local dairy & laundry family