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21 May 2023 Newsletter of Friends of Eaglemont Village

Your weekly roundup and more from Friends of Eaglemont Village.
21 May 2023 Newsletter of Friends of Eaglemont Village
We acknowledged the contribution of the VicTrack volunteers to our own volunteer effort.

A great day with VicTrack and Keep Australia Beautiful (Vic) here at Eaglemont.

Celebrating the ceremonial planting of a banksia in the entrance garden - a good insight for these VicTrack employees of railway land soil conditions.........

500 plants were added to our bushland wildflower walks and the station entrance garden last Tuesday.

20 enthusiastic Victrack employees celebrated Volunteers Week by teaming up with Eaglemont Stationeers, our Friends of Eaglemont Village alter-ego when we are working on railway land.

20 volunteers signed up, 20 turned up. We expect some return visits as these proud gardeners check the progress of their efforts here at Eaglemont.

Weather is a fickle, difficult to predict, matter. Monday and Wednesday were magnificent autumn days. Still air, sunny skies,  birds singing.

Tuesday was "Melbourne Miserable" until about 10:30 a.m., but our visitors were made of sturdy stuff.

A thoroughly enjoyable day - plenty of chatter, laughter and output.

Catering by Deb and staff at the Dish was highly praised.

Our thanks to Keep Australia Beautiful (Victoria) and VicTrack for partnering with FofEV to help make Eaglemont a better place for our community.

The EV Traders Association is again supporting the Cancer Council Big Morning Tea fundraiser, in conjunction with the Village Sunday Market 28 May 2023.

Check it out here:

Carefully Curated Articles To Expand Your Mind

Upcoming Events

• Sunday Market 28 May Eaglemont Village - includes presentation of our FofEV petition for a local park

• Banyule Council meeting Monday 29 May

• Ryder Cheshire light gardening working bee 31 May at 10 Donaldson Street Ivanhoe

Right on Cue - The Return of The Gang Gang Cockatoo

As articulated in these hyper-informative pages (posts?), we occasionally have the very welcome sight of Gang Gang cockatoos in Eaglemont.

Well "occasionally" arrived most recently mid-morning Saturday.

Just outside Kaye & Joe's abode in Alandale Road our colleagues Pippa & Mike happened upon 2 pairs eating the tiny fruits of a street tree (an ornamental pear?).

Eaglemont's Voice immediately dispatched our photographer to the site but unfortunately too late.

He had to settle for a a pair of Galahs - one of which kept hiding!

A nice enough bird the Galah (a.k.a. the roseate cockatoo) but I did want to photograph the Gang Gangs

Would love to include the 13 second video from Mike's phone camera but regrettably the file format cannot be uploaded to this website!

All is not lost - I met a future entry to Dogs of Eaglemont.

Calling All Sewing Devotees

Pippa has offered to coordinate the establishment of the FoEV facilitated Eaglemont Sit &Sew Group.

Bron & Liz L are keen starters - cake or no cake - and we have several pre-registrations.

Watch for notices in the Village shop windows advertising the first gathering.

(Gillian too is keen - she established a similar group during a coast-living interlude, and is keen to get out her knitting.)

Calling all Mothers & Babies

We are about to commence our local networking initiative for all the young parents (or carers) in these parts.

Again Pippa will be at the helm as the group establishes its own identity & structure.

Liz L has had a side hussle for some time helping new parents adjust to the challenges of their new roles. Bit different to Covid era pups - you can't hand infants back, no matter the temptation from time to time!

This past week I have introduced myself to several young parents, including "stay at home" Dads, mothers of twins, mothers with their mothers helping out.

All are keen on the opportunity to form a support network, to get out of the house, to get some "empathetic others" to socialize with.

Watch for the adverts in the Village, alert likely candidates you may come across.

Last Week's Posts on Eaglemont's Voice

Mystery at Odenwald Bridge
Something is being planned at Odenwald Road bridge but Council knows nought.
Community Networking To Begin - Australia Post Grants $1000 to FofEV
Beat the isolation blues - join a FofEV group in the Village.
AFL Sir Doug Nicholls Round
Deeper than football, deeper than sport
Fur, Feathers, Flowers & More #5
Your next Beautiful Eaglemont instalment
Dogs of Eaglemont #32
Photographic recognition of our canine companions
Fatality Free Friday Initiative
Road safety affects us all
Bike Touring Through Heidelberg - 1954 Style
1954 era cycling for pleasure dodging potholes and chromed bumper bars.
Current Housing Crisis - Not Local Government’s Fault
Is there a housing crisis because you have paid for a front garden space? Is Dan coming after your rose garden?
VicTrack Volunteers At Eaglemont
Big boost to plantings in our bushland wildflower walks courtesy of VicTrack.
A Picnic On Mount Eagle
When a picnic day at picturesque Eaglemont deserved a local newspaper article