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23 April 2023 Newsletter Friends of Eaglemont Village

23 April 2023 Newsletter Friends of Eaglemont Village
The sign removed from the original Eaglemont Railway Station.

Oh an auspicious day it is!

You can become a financial member of Friends of Eaglemont Village Incorporated online for the same $10/year family rate as when we started back before Covid.

Forget inflation, forget price gouging - the same $10/year family rate for 2022/23 financial year as has existed since inception.

Membership for next financial year (2023/24) will become due 1 July, and a financial report for 2022/23 will be issued.

Our financial needs are mostly for administration - business registrations, corporate membership eg Landcare Victoria, insurances and the like.

Over time we will create different information, privileges & involvement levels to differentiate between the general public types who click on their web browser, and you hale and hearty true believer members of the organisation.

Anzac Day approaches.

Not just another public holiday but a day of respect and reflection.

The Anzac Day service at Heidelberg (corner Studley Road & Burgundy Street) is well organised & attended.  It is well worth attending.

March with the pipe band down Burgundy Street to the Heidelberg Football Club, or peel off at a cafe along the way.

Glance over at the Heidelberg railway station and picture all those men alighting the train before entering the Repat. Hospital.

7 a.m. start for the dawn service.

Dress warmly.

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Nursery News

Seeds are being planted against the day about a year hence when we start revegetating the northern side of the line from the station to Odenwald Road.

We will gradually replace the weed species vegetation to create a visually appealing bird habitat.

Hakeas, banksias, acacias, callistemon, casuarinas and eucalypts will form the taller canopy.

We are now raising wildflowers for planting out in the spring.

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We want to lodge the "local park for Locksley Road" petition with Council next week.

If you have not yet signed you can do so:

• at the FofEV stall at the Market next Sunday

• at the Eaglemont Post Office

The community house petition will circulate for another month.

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VicTrack community volunteering day

FofEV will host VicTrack staff at Eaglemont 16 May for their corporate "community volunteering" day.

VicTrack have provided FofEV with a budget of $2000 to buy in extra plants - we will certainly have a cleaner & greener rail corridor through Eaglemont as a result.

Our local businesses benefit too from the catering for morning tea and lunch for over 30 people.

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Equity Trustees volunteers day

On May 10 a team of volunteers from Equity Trustees will be undertaking a "clean up & thinning out" working bee along Sherwood Road.

The area along the eastern part of the outbound platform will be made ready for replacement plantings, particularly the morning sun zone behind the chainmesh fence.

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Web posts to check

Check out all this weeks posts to the Eaglemont's Voice website


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Ryder-Cheshire House

Coming up this Wednesday from 9:30 to 10:30 is our light gardening stint over at Ryder-Cheshire Homes 10 Donaldson Street Ivanhoe.

Come along for the CWA baked morning tea -delicious.

‌                                      1901 - In Praise of Heidelberg Nowadays we mostly ignore the Yarra, church architecture goes unmentioned, the local dairy industry has vanished, roses and hedgerows are harder to find.                                                                           Eaglemont's Voice                                     John Walkley

‌                                      Past Times - Looking Back A series of articles looking nostalgically at earlier, more simple times.                                                                           Eaglemont's Voice                                     John Walkley

‌                                      Fur, Feathers, Flowers & More #1 Eaglemont has much to admire - take the time to observe and enjoy.                                                                           Eaglemont's Voice                                     John Walkley

‌                                      10 Years since The heart and soul of the Eaglemont Village - a great pair of characters loved and missed.                                                                           Eaglemont's Voice                                     John Walkley

‌                                      Join Our Sunday Morning Heart Foundation Walks As much social as exercise - we always walk to the pace of the slowest walker present.                                                                           Eaglemont's Voice                                     John Walkley

‌                                      Public Toilets Under Council Review Since the Railways chose to close the Eaglemont Station public toilets to the public decades ago we have been denied a basic service.                                                                           Eaglemont's Voice                                     John Walkley

‌                                      On Anzac Day Remember Our Locals Mont Park, Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital, Heidelberg Station are all woven into our history.                                                                           Eaglemont's Voice                                     John Walkley

‌                                      Dogs of Eaglemont #28 Pooches a’plenty around Eaglemont - Chelsworth Park is a very communal dog walking scene.                                                                           Eaglemont's Voice                                     John Walkley

‌                                      Eaglemont 50 Years Ago How long before panoramas in our neighbourhood are dominated by apartment towers?                                                                           Eaglemont's Voice                                     John Walkley

‌                                      Heidelberg Bowling Club Still Going Strong How many sporting clubs bought their own plot of land and are still on it 110 years later. Well done City of Heidelberg Bowling Club.                                                                           Eaglemont's Voice                                     John Walkley

‌                                      Newspaper Talks Up Our Patch Eaglemont & Ivanhoe architecture and gardens were much admired - we must fight to retain our neighbourhood character.                                                                           Eaglemont's Voice                                     John Walkley