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28 May 2023 Newsletter of Friends of Eaglemont Village

Your weekly roundup and more from Friends of Eaglemont Village.
28 May 2023 Newsletter of Friends of Eaglemont Village
Happiest person at a wet market. Mum has pulled out the rain jacket and umbrella - playing in the rain. Well done that mother.

Market Day set a new record for fewest stalls and fewest patrons, all on account of lousy, wet, cold weather.

Good effort all the hardy souls who turned out, commiserations to the organisers and the traders.

What a shame that the efforts toward the Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea suffered due to weather.

We cancelled our Heart Foundation Walk because of the rain too.

We spoke to several candidates for attending our community activities - very positive vibe.

More building work than has been seen in 6 months to tidy up the facade of the old butcher shop. Suggestion is the builder cooperated with a Council request.

Upcoming Events

Ryder-Cheshire working bee this Wednesday morning 9:30 a.m.

Auction of the Aniseed Cafe building Wednesday

Eaglemont Sit & Sew this Thursday 2 p.m. at the Dish

Local Park Petition Goes to Council

Our FofEV petition seeking a local park west of the Eaglemont Village will be considered by Banyule Council Monday 29th May.

Gang Gang Update

The two pairs of Gang Gangs are clearly enjoying their winter stint in our area.

They have been sighted by Doug on the Boulevard at Fairy Hills last Tuesday, sighted by Bron and I on Sherwood Road Friday, then their distinctive voice was heard along Studley Road Saturday morning.

Adam Goodes Update

A little increment in the journey to recognise Adam Goodes for the great Australian he is.

Well done Sydney Swans, well done Adam Goodes.

Adam had an extensive back catalogue of heroic sporting moments to choose from for his bronze statue.

He chose the moment he emerged from the sportsman chrysalis to be a proud warrior for indigenous people's recognition and acceptance.

Your package of postings to Eaglemont's Voice over the past week:

Volunteers Having Fun In The Rain
How to look proud & good wearing orange
Dogs of Eaglemont #33
A salute to our canine companions
The Boulevard - The Riverside Drive that Nearly Was
The Boulevard - very public one end, very private the other end.
Mr Brooke of Brooke Street
Ever visited Brooke Street Reserve? You should make the effort.
Fur, Feathers, Flowers And More #6
Flora & fauna by weekly instalments
Sit & Sew Eaglemont Starts Thursday
Darning, patching, mending, button replacements, darts and seams adjusted - unlikely to be so low brow.
Mothers & Babies Support Network Starts
Another community support initiative from Friends of Eaglemont Village, sponsored by Australia Post.
Visit to Fairfield Stationeers
A different demographic - pretty much the same issues for Station volunteers
A Better Future Than Cobwebs?
A better future for Eaglemont Station?
Media Gets Public Toilet Figures So Wrong
Public toilets need to be accessible to everyone
Changing Face Of Suburban Stations
Railway stations once had staff to look after customers and premises