30 April 2023 Newsletter Friends of Eaglemont Village

Market day was held under clear skies - a beautiful autumn day.

Good numbers, plenty of smiles, lots of conversation.
More signatures for our petitions, more pre-registrations for our community groups ie Mothers & Babies, Sit & Sew plus Older Men:New Ideas.
Membership fees
Keep those $10/family/year membership fees coming in please. You can pay you $10 by using the Subscribe button to become a paid member.
FofEV petitions
Park for Locksley Road
The "local park" petition was lodged with Banyule Council last Thursday with over 230 signatures.
This meets the deadline to have the matter placed before the Council at its next meeting on 29 May.

We continue to collect signatures to demonstrate the support of local residents - these will be added to those already with Council.
Several visitors to our FofEV market stall pointed out the The Righi Reserve uphill from the Village.
Purchased by Council in 1940 as the last acquisition for public open space it did serve the 1940's era housing area.
The 400 metres/5 minute walk catchment area for local parks, when centred on The Righi Reserve, just catches The Eyrie & Silverdale junction i.e. the western end of the Village.
The area from the Village to Ivanhoe Station is missing 3 local parks.
Community house
Over 230 residents have joined us in petitioning Council for a community house or hall in Eaglemont from which community events can be conducted.
Mothers and babies networking, senior citizens gatherings, craft groups, food exchanges - maybe a community garden. Classes in IT, art, music, holiday activities for kids.

This petition will keep circulating until early June. It will be lodged in time for the June Council meeting.
FofEV will apply to speak in support of our petitions - our 3 minutes allowed will enable those in the Viewers Gallery and those watching the webcast to get some context & history as to why we are advocating for long-promised but missing open public space.
Recreation and play space that does not require a car trip!
Ward meeting 11 May
Deputy Mayor Alida McKern is holding her 3rd Ward meeting for residents soon.
On 11 May from 6:30 p.m. residents will be able to interact with each other, with attending Councillors & senior Council staff.
Those attending previous Ward meetings have made known they expect these meetings to be for residents to raise issues, and to have their concerns heard by decision-makers.
Questions on Notice can be logged with Councillor McKern.
alida.mckern@banyule.vic.gov.auResidents are encouraged to get yourselves along to Ivanhoe Library and Cultural Hub to support democracy.
Don't be a voyeur, don't mutter & complain about local government - get involved.
Anzac Day
Lovely to catch up by arrangement with former Village habitues Andrew and Henrietta at the Anzac Day Service at Heidelberg.
Several people have complained they could not find directions about the Heidelberg service.
The organising body for the service conducted at Heidelberg is "RSL on Bell". Diary it for next year!
A well attended, solemn, moving service followed by a march behind the pipe band down Burgundy Street.
So good to see so many children and young adults along again.
Well done the Heidelberg Football & Netball Club for supporting the service and the socialing afterwards down at the Warringal clubrooms.
Public Toilets
Have you completed the Council survey on Shaping Banyule about the location and condition of Banyule's public toilets?

Living in Place Survey
Banyule City Council is conducting a 'Living in Place' survey to understand your experience of 16 liveability attributes across the municipality including feeling safe, affordable decent housing and access to the natural environment.
The survey will help to ensure that Council decision-making and advocacy is focused on the community's needs and the things residents want to advance their quality of life.
Please make the time to complete this survey.
When given the chance to influence Council grab it with both hands!
Here are last week's posts on our Eaglemont's Voice website:

You can leave Comments on these Posts, you can send in photos, articles and ideas.
Be part of our community, not just an observer.
Member discussion