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4 June Newsletter Friends of Eaglemont Village

Your weekly roundup and more from Eaglemont's Voice
4 June Newsletter  Friends of Eaglemont Village
Posted on a local Facebook page last week.

What with a housing crisis, very low vacancies etc it did not take long for Stephen's former tenants to be replaced.

New occupants at Gumnut Mansions. Beware the possums you folk.

Point this out to youngsters on their way to the Fairy Garden.

Walking group admires autumn leaves

Castle Street has many fine gardens. The street trees present well in all seasons.

Some nice garden specimens too.

Banksia "Birthday Candles" 

Some of our walking group stopped to admire this specimen.

Beautiful claret tones
Alandale Road attraction - Hakea laurina in full bloom

FofEV Receives Another Community Grant

We have been informed FofEV will receive $2000 from the Federal Goverment's 2022/23 Volunteers Grants Scheme.

Our Federal MHR Kate Thwaites offered FofEV participation in the scheme which makes a total of $50,000 available to community groups in each Federal electorate.

We submitted an application which was assessed and approved by the Dept. Of Social Services.

Our grant application for $5000 was based around purchasing a covered trailer for various uses - storage, promotions, working bee base station, market sales etc.

The grant approval indicates there is a whole schedule of "volunteer benefiting" goods or services for which we are able to apply the funds before June 2024.

Some cogitating now as to how to proceed with our $2000. Secondhand trailer? Fundraising toward the balance to buy a new trailer? Do something else?

Sit & Sew group starts

Our FofEV organised Sit & Sew group had its initial meeting at the Eaglemont Dish last Thursday.

The group has elected to meet on the first Thursday of each month at 2 p.m. at The Dish.

Pippa advises there were 7 present.

The free coffee and cake deal courtesy of our Australia Post community grant continues for the next 2 meetings.

No fees, no obligations - a chance to simply socialise, to learn, to teach, swap, share. Community sort of stuff.

Open to everyone - all ages, all abilities, all genders, all language groups, residents, former residents, wannabee residents, visitors.

Working Bee at Ashby Grove

Happy little mulchers. Stephen L elected to work up closer to the station - Kristen had been and gone before we remembered to take a happy shot for the newsletter.

The mulch organised by Maurie had started looking a little unloved so we tackled it Saturday morning, then repaired to Aniseed Cafe for coffee and a chat.

If you ever need a drought-breaking rain dance, save yourself the trouble - we will just call a FofEV working bee.  Works every time.

For a modest fee of course.


Heidelberg News and Greensborough, Eltham and Diamond Creek Chronicle, 23.11.1918, Page 2

A motor bus will run from the Heidelberg post office, Heidelberg, to-day, going past the shire hall, to convey elderly people to the celebrations at Eaglemont.

(Celebrating the end of WW1 at Eaglemont, then the Heidelberg district's premier recreation spot - with a bus laid on for the old folk.)

The Herald, 27.02.1935, Page 19
The municipality is so well served with buses that there is little likelihood of trams being run there. Buses link Heidelberg and Ivanhoe with Deepdene, Camberwell, Northcote, Smith Street, Preston, Coburg, Warrandyte, Kinglake, Mont Park and Eltham. Another bus service connects Fairfield with Kew and Northcote. The train service is good but residents consider the growth of the district justifies a more frequent service.

Bus-ing them in to IGGS

The Argus, 21.11.1936, Page 41

Ivanhoe Girls‘ Grammar
Arrangements have also been made for a school bus to serve Preston, Northcote, Heidelberg, Eaglemont, and Fairy Hills so that girls in all parts of the district may have easy access to the school which is the Church public school for the northern suburbs.

Excitement in Glenard Drive

The Herald, 17.06.1952, Page 3

Chased bus wheel

"A bus driver had to get off his bus and chase a wheel downhill in Glenard Drive, Eaglemont, this afternoon. There were 30 passengers on the bus when the front left-hand wheel came off.

The bus stopped after about 40 yards."

(Can you picture that? 30 passengers on an afternoon bus in Glenard Drive! Oh - perhaps it was a Grays Tours bus.)

Thank you Nilss for searching the ether for these snippets from when buses were a more popular mode of transport.

Mothers & Babies Group

It might be old-fashioned terminology - but everyone grasps the concept.

You do not have to be the biological mother of the baby - parent, carer, grandparent, babysitter will do.

Baby? Well if you have a pre-schooler and you feel the need for some company, some support, some space, some excuse to get out of the house, then you are welcome.

Free to all, all welcome.

Next meeting is 1:30 p.m., Wednesday 7th June.

The group will decide its own future meeting schedule based on the most convenient time and place for participants.

Wednesday afternoon does not suit your (or the darling's) timetable? Talk to us about an alternative.

This is our community looking after our own, where we live.

Through the support of Australia Post you will qualify for a free coffee and cake at each of the group's first 3 meetings.

Babychinos too? Well we have to indoctrinate them to Eaglemont cafe society sometime.

Talk to us if you would like to have help setting up local play groups for children you think might be too mobile and restless at cafe-based gatherings.

Your assembled postings from the past week

Dogs Of Eaglemont #34
Celebrating our canine companions
We Are Not Alone On Public Toilets
Public debate ought to be public outrage around missing public toilets.
Sooty Of Brooke Street Reserve
Environmentally correct weed control 1955 style
Working bee - help keep our neighbourhood looking good!
Coffee, conversation, communing with nature, caring for how the place we live in looks. Saturday 3 June from 9:00 a.m. at Ashby Grove underpass. Gloves and tools provided. Off to the Village for coffee by 11:00, walking up along Sherwood Road to check out our wildflower walk.
Roads, Parks & Real Estate Advantages
Good town planning makes those blocks sell faster
Fur, Feathers, Flowers And More #7
Flora & fauna by weekly instalments
Shop Sells In Village Auction
Village property sells after short marketing campaign
Awkward Norman Street Intersection Made Dangerous
Safety initiative make situation worse
Putting Your Park Petition To Council
242 signature petition goes to Council - well received.
Travel the Hurstbridge Line - By Video
A 40 minute video about a 40 minute train ride.