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5 November Newsletter Friends of Eaglemont Village

Eaglemont's Voice is the home of Friends of Eaglemont Village, your local community group
5 November Newsletter Friends of Eaglemont Village
Browsing the food options at last Sunday's Village Market

Top effort from the imbecile who decided that exercising a vote in the recent referendum is not democratic enough for them - living among us is someone motivated to use smeared dog faeces as a form of political expression.

Did they bring the dog with them - or choose to carry around a bag for their nefarious assault on a sign?

So much for the education systems, family values, peer groups, defence of freedom of expression and inclusive social values that still gives rise to this nonsense.

The calls for tolerance, the defence of people's rights to voice opinions, the protection of freedom of assembly and more that make up our democratic values are apparently not as entrenched and valued in the community as we might wish.

Must make for interesting conversations when someone sets out to boast to their family, their mates or their fellow workers about their recent activities under the cover of darkness.

IGGS Student Poems

Take the time to read the series of poems about our local wildlife written by a team of Year 4 students from IGGS.

This initiative has its origins in the National Tree Day Schools event that Friends of Eaglemont Village hosted back in July.

We organised 5 planting teams each led by an FoEV volunteer, the plant allocations and the allocated planting zones based on some lesser known local birds.

This made an impact on the girls, and there was some discussion about habitat needs, threats and locations.

This later evolved into a poetry and habitat promotion project for a "problem indentification & solution finding" unit in their school curriculum.

FofEV will publish an illustrated poem from this collection over the next several editions of Eaglemont's Voice.

Next Village Market is Heritage Day

Ward Meeting Well Attended

More than 20 locals attended Councillor Alida McKern's latest Ward Meeting for the community.

A pleasant, informative 2 hours at the Ivanhoe Library and Coultural Hub.

Banyule CEO Allison Beckworth attended, as did Councillor Rick Garotti, who is wanting to introduce similar forums in his ward.

Councillor McKern had encouraged "Questions on Notice", for which the Council staff provided responses which were then discussed by attendees.

Questions from the floor were then taken, with Councillor McKern encouraging all present to participate.

Numerous topics were canvassed till the 8:15 p.m. closure.

Two hours seemed a reasonable time.

There are some significant matters impacting the southern wards coming before Council, in particular the Chelsworth Park lease and the pavilions redevelopment.

Community involvement is to be encouraged.

A relaxed, informative and worthwhile event.

Nilss' Nostalgia Department

Coleraine Railway Station 1963 - the Overland train with Sleeper carriages, a fine collection of Holdens ranging from FJ, FB, FC, EJ/EK(?) - with a Dennis Fire Truck thrown in. Past its heyday as a railway station but a fine building among fallow March paddocks. Australian country life.

Grant appln by FofEV declined - Banksia Reserve Languishes, Residents Miss Out.

Please make a point of reading the attached article posted about Banksia Reserve.

Yet again the Banyule Council administration, which manages an annual income of $185 million of rate-payers money, and has the backing of significant financial reserves, cries "too poor & understaffed" about Banksia Reserve.

No problem wasting money year after year on sending in a lawn mowing team pointlessly cutting grass for the sake of cutting grass.

No problem creating award-winning quality playgrounds elsewhere in the municipality.

No problem finding resources to fund new play equipment on a vacant strip of land off Station Street Rosanna.

A whisper reaches us that some "unscheduled, unfunded" development work is about to happen at The Righi Reserve.

How has that come about we ask?

Your Packaged Up And Gift-wrapped Posts from Eaglemont's Voice

Ivanhoe Law Firm Under Investigation Over Missing Funds
Police investigating local law firm over missing investment funds
Dogs of Eglemont #55
A salute to our canine companions
Vanishing Voices #1
An “Arbor Day” style event with associated discussion about local wildlife led to this research, writing and drawing by Year 4 IGGS students
Can You Recognise Stroke Symptoms?
Do not leave surviving a stroke to chance - plan now for immediate action
Darebin Creek Management Committee & Banyule Council
A “people” issue more than a “dollars & cents” issue
Fur, Feathers, Flowers and More #28
Ah - the serenity of the great outdoors. Don’t look at it on TV, get out amongst it
Council Again Rejects FofEV Initiative For Local Parks Improvement
Long struggle for residents to have local parks and playgrounds will continue.
Dear oh dear - More Open Space to Yield to Concrete
Rumour has it that Banyule Council has $89 million in reserves, plus owns several blocks of land used for free parking in retail precincts, yet cannot find money to meet community needs.