7 May 2023 Newsletter Friends of Eaglemont Village
Your weekly round up of articles published on Eaglemont's Voice, plus more.

Become a Friends of Eaglemont Member today for the 2022/23 just $10 per year by clicking below. (Yes, it is late in the financial year, yes,there is food inflation, yes, there are high rents and mortgages, it is hairdresser week, car service is due..........)
Coming up soon
Some events and deadlines to keep in mind........
- Ward meeting 11 May, 6:15 p.m. till 8 p.m. at the Ivanhoe Library
- Public toilets review on Shaping Banyule - complete survey asap
- VicTrack corporate working bee 16 May
- Mothers Day 14 May - shop early, shop local
- Living in Place survey on behalf of Banyule Council - complete asap
- Biodiversity Workshop at Montmorency Saturday 20 May (see Word file below)
Curated articles to expand your mind
Here are a selection of articles written by clever folk - you may not otherwise happen upon these........
Here are last week's posts on Eaglemont's Voice:
Salubrious Eaglemont of Yesteryear
6 minutes to help improve living in Eaglemont

Public Toilets - Have You Told Banyule Your Views Yet?
Give Council some feedback on the most basic of public facilities

You Need A Garden For A Garden Fete!
Fetes, public fundraising to support ballet, tutus among the tulips. Back in the days when initiative was applied rather making a grant application.

Bushland wildflower walks
Neglected public land around Eaglemont Station gets a make-over. Weed species are out, Australian native plants are in. The birds and insects benefit too.

Sunday Morning Trains To The Seaside Was Controversial In 1928
Sunday shopping, Sunday sport, Sunday pubs - a 100 years ago public transport was banned on Sunday mornings!
Dogs of Eaglemont #30
Is your dog registered? Carrying your bags? Microchipped? Be a responsible dog owner.

Not Stopping All Stations
Inevitably urban growth means once outer suburbs become middle then inner suburbs - with all the outer suburbs commuter traffic, but not the services. New infrastructure in the outer suburbs, tired aging infrastructure for the inner suburbs.

Fur, Feathers, Flowers & More #3
A treatise by instalments on Eaglemont’s natural history.

Odenwald Road Bridge Update
An update of sorts from Council about very little happening re Odenwald Road bridge.

Member discussion