5 min read

9 July Newsletter Friends of Eaglemont Village

Your weekly roundup of matters Eaglemont
9 July Newsletter Friends of Eaglemont Village
Follow Sally down to the Artisans Hub

Make a cuppa, get yourself comfortable and delve into some history, some nature, some current affairs.

Where has civil society gone? What is "public service" nowadays? Are our politicians "representatives of the people" or self-interested idealogues?

Time for some reflection too after reading the ABC's Laura Tingle analysis of the Robodebt Royal Commission Report.

If we aim to be a more inclusive, better society then we need to take stock of how our political process, our media, our public service are functioning.

Gentle reminder

2023/24 memberships of FofEV are now due.

Please transfer $10 (family rate, same for everyone - ethnic background, age, marital status, gender, pension status and former military status can be ignored..........please!)

And "Thank You" to those who responded to last week's entreaty to help the Exchequer and to salve your consciences.

Oh Dear, The Youth of Yesteryear

The Herald, 22.04.1924, Page 4
Sir,—Hoodlums congregate at the Ivanhoe railway station every Sunday evening. The language at times is filthy, and no girl or woman can pass by without being met with insulting remarks. Why cannot the police eradicate this annoyance?— Yours, etc.,Ivanhoe, April 16.


(From Nilss in the Austrian Bureau)

Come along to our Friends of Eaglemont Village National Tree Day community event on Sunday 30 July, 9:30 to 12:30, Sherwood Road entrance to the railway station.

Tools, plants and gloves provided.

Why not get some youngsters involved? See this button for resource kits -

The Age, 4 July. FofEV works for inclusion, cohesion, community development.

A simple channel of advice - just the same style of advice to government as from, say, the Minerals Council, various religious bodies, political party State conferences, the CWA, the RSL etc.


Rail Line Duplication 1909

"The Argus, 31.08.1909, Page 5
A number of improvements will shortly be made at the Ivanhoe station, to meet the increasing requirements of the service. A platform will be erected on the "up side," and an additional set of rails laid."

Ivanhoe Station line laying. One assumes the line to the right is a goods yard siding and materials are being assembled for the through track duplication.

It is difficult looking back from 2023 to recall that our suburban commuter train line with services mere minutes apart was originally justified as a freight service, and infrequent passenger services for a sparse travelling population were a bonus for the railways treasury.

Upper Heidelberg Road Ivanhoe

In 1888 the Heidelberg line was competing with horse-drawn vehicles drawn on dirt roads.

Keep the windows up to keep the soot out.

(Courtesy of that bloodhound for local historical vignettes - our celebrated Nilss of Innsbruck.)

P.S. our man Brett the (former) Mattock wishes it known how much he enjoys reading Nilss' frequent contributions.

Banyule Council seeks community input to biodiversity plan

Banyule has many important conservation reserves, wildlife reserves and green open spaces that support our local flora and fauna.

Does our community feel connected to these places and care about how they are managed and protected?

During 2023 and 2024, Banyule Council will be updating its Biodiversity Plan and wants to understand how the community interacts with the local environment and nature.

You can complete an online survey or attend an in-person community session (registrations required).

Session 1 - Greensborough
Wednesday 26 July 2023, 6pm - 8pm
Greensborough Service Centre
Community Meeting Rooms, Ibbott Room
Lvl 4, 1 Flintoff Street, Greensborough

Session 2 - Ivanhoe
Saturday 19 August 2023, 11am - 1pm
Ivanhoe Library and Cultural Hub
Wilim Ngarru, Room 1
275 Upper Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe

For more information, visit Shaping Banyule and have your say until 3 October 2023.

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Quick Quick! Quick Quick!
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Council Seeks Ivanhoe Station Accessibility Upgrade
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Why Railway Stations Get Maintenance
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Gambling Scourge
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