3 min read

A Better Future Than Cobwebs?

A better future for Eaglemont Station?
A Better Future Than Cobwebs?
A welcome upgrade in 1950, still looks like 1950, what does the future hold?

Our current Eaglemont Station on the inbound line was constructed in 1950 as the original single line was duplicated through to Heidelberg.

It does not have the architectural interest of the Edwardian era buildings at Heidelberg or Ivanhoe Stations, still staffed, which evoke the steam train era.

Eaglemont Station is post-war frugal - tending to a brutalist Stalinist form.

Functional, but cold, bland and unwelcoming; an under-utilised public asset.

Functional enough until it was de-staffed and locked up.

Approachs to the rail authorities to have the regularly cleaned but locked toilets opened, fall on deaf ears.

Requests to put a humble Eaglemont Stationeers Noticeboard up (lockable, weatherproof, with unbreakable polycarbonate) are refused.

Enquiries about the closed up space being made available as a community space are rebuffed.

Is there a better future for our Station than just being a drafting race past the Myki card readers?

One of our subscribers is au faux with architectural draughting software; he a builder/designer who understands building standards & sustainable development.

He is a young parent who has insight to the lack of parks, playgrounds and community spaces suitable for meetings, play groups, simple community gatherings hereabouts.

He has spontaneously turned his attention to proposing a better utilisation of a public asset, in a place desperately in need of any community space.

Aspirational? Certainly, but Sean has put together a package of images that show a better role for our station building - it can be more than a train stop, a part of a shopping village that really needs a fillip, a community space with some soul.

Open up the ticket office and storeroom
Create a clamber playspace 2023 style
The ramp is not compliant with current access requirements
In a space-poor locality we should wring out every last drop of opportunity
Not nearly so bleak as out present Myki card reader arcade

What other alternative use is there that trumps creating a community space in a locked up station?

Just down the track 3 stops is Fairfield Station - unstaffed as well. Space has been found for a community use.