2 min read

Ageing in Banyule

Give Council your views on services to the aged community
Ageing in Banyule
A community working bee based at a private residence because there is no Eaglemont community facility.

Time for older folk, and soon to be older folk, to tune in.

Banyule Council is seeking your views on how your local government services and facilities provider can help you live better as you age.

This is when we bring our concerns about the impediments to walking, the lack of premises for age-friendly activities, the extra burden of caring for grandchildren where there are only too distant parks & playgrounds.

Oh, and what about those missing public toilets?

Here is how the Council has put context to the development of Banyule's Older Adults Framework 2030.

A survey, a focus group, possibly a public meeting here in Eaglemont - multiple opportunities for you to be involved!

"Ageing in Banyule

In November 2014, Banyule City Council became a member of the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities. As a member, we are committed to enhancing the wellbeing and quality of life of older adults.‌‌

The WHO Age-Friendly Cities Framework Guide proposes eight interconnected domains to help identify and address barriers to the well-being and participation of older people. These domains overlap and interact with each other.

  1. Community and Healthcare
  2. Transportation
  3. Housing
  4. Social Participation
  5. Outdoor Space and Buildings
  6. Respect and Social Inclusion
  7. Civic Participation and Employment
  8. Communication and Information.

The development of Banyule's Older Adults Framework 2030 is underway and will outline Council’s vision for the future to ensure Banyule is an Age-Friendly City for older adults to work, live, play and be valued in their community.‌‌

The Framework will be underpinned by the WHO eight Age-Friendly City domains and guided by the voices of older adults in our community. This will be achieved through consultation with Banyule's Age-Friendly Population Committee, Age-Friendly Champions and a range of community engagement activities."

From the Council -

"As an ageing population, Banyule City Council is committed to influencing and delivering age-friendly initiatives that result in positive health and quality of life outcomes for older adults.

Get involved in the Older Adults Framework 2030 by completing the survey, registering to attend the Focus Group, or asking Laura or Jenna to come and talk with your group."

Get involved, get a better deal

You should support the Friends of Eaglemont Village call for facilities in our community -

Eaglemont has a high proportion of Banyule's older residents. Residents whose lives would be better with local community facilities. A meeting space within comfortable walking distance. A place for our Council to deliver aged care services & messages. A place for our community to recognise and value our older citizens. A place where you know the people around you. People like you.


Temporary Premises at the Aniseed Cafe site?

Council should look at a temporary measure to make available a space for our community to use - a meeting place for the Mothers & Babies, the Sit and Sew group, the soon to be formed Older Men:New Ideas group.

Cafe one day, temporary community centre the next?