Banyule Council Planning Scheme

We have been provided an update by Banyule Council about variations to the Banyule Heritage Study Planning Scheme that have been successfully steered through the State Government approval process.
Heritage Study 2020
A municipal-wide Heritage Study was prepared by consultants on behalf of Council. It included community consultation that invited nominations of potentially significant properties in February & March 2020. It then considered preliminary assessments of 200 potential heritage places and, subsequently, a detailed assessment of the most significant (priority) individual places in 2021. The Study identified 21 places of heritage significance to the City of Banyule and recommended them for inclusion on the Heritage Overlay.
Council adopted the Heritage Study at its Ordinary Meeting on 20 September 2021 and resolved to progress protections for the 21 places in the Banyule Planning Scheme.
The Banyule Heritage Study is an important part of Council’s commitment to conserve places and precincts that contribute to Banyule’s cultural heritage. Council also has an obligation under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the Banyule Planning Scheme to identify and consider the protection of places of heritage significance.
This FofEV article is a series of excerpts from the Council's Shaping Banyule website. To view the full Council post use this link:
There are Eaglemont, Ivanhoe & East Ivanhoe properties among those gaining a heritage rating.
Here are some Q & As lifted from the Banyule website about the implications of heritage listings:
Interested in finding out more?
Banyule Council is holding a session to inform residents about how the planning process works.
The session has been postponed from its original pre-Easter date.
It will now be held at Bellfield Community Hub on Wednesday 24th May, 5.30 PM – 7.00 PM
Member discussion