1 min read

Banyule Values Public Participation

Just what is community engagement? How can the community best be involved in decisions that affect them? How "local" is local government? Who gets access to decision-makers?
Banyule Values Public Participation
Where does public participation and community engagement fit with representative government? When did your elected representatives last seek your views?

It is re-assuring to know that our Council values public participation.

The Covid era involved not only lockdowns but an overwhelming desire of workers to avoid congregating in enclosed workspaces.

This afflicted Banyule Council along with most medium to large workplaces - "work from home" changed the mechanics of work.

"Shaping Banyule" became the mainstay of Council/community consultation over 2020, 2021 & 2022.

During 2022 it became apparent that many community activists were disdainful of Shaping Banyule. They cited manipulation of the issues put out for consultation, the selective posing of questions within those consulted topics and a lack of confidence in the analysis & reporting back of Shaping Banyule submissions.

A lack of transparency was alleged.

It is heartening to find this is changing in 2023, when there have been many more forums and workshops. Participants have been more satisfied with the face-to-face proceedings, the interaction and networking among attendees, the opportunity for assessment of the stance of the lead Councillor officers on topics.

Recent examples include the 2023/24 draft budget forum, the Urban Forest Strategy, the Urban Food Strategy, the Arts & Culture strategy.

One senses the Council staff and Councillors present have likewise been more comfortable with the people contributing.

Council has an underpinning statement about "public participation" - which we assume means the same as "community engagement" :

With the disruption of the Covid era behind us we look forward to this unfettered public participation.