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Birds in our backyards

Birds in our backyards
Photo by Trevor McKinnon on Unsplash

Thanks, Mary V, for pointing out, the Birdlife Australia summer 'Birds in Backyards' survey is in, and the winners are in the table below. (Reporting rate is the percentage of reports that mentioned the species.)

Amongst the usual suspects sits the unexpected Eastern Koel. Birdlife reports that in recent years these have extended their southern migration from Nowra in NSW well into Victoria. This, plus their distinctive Kooo-el call (that can be heard over some distance) has moved them into contention.

Common Name Reporting Rate 
Rainbow Lorikeet 43%
Australian Magpie31%
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo 26%
Willie Wagtail26%
Noisy Miner25%
Common Myna23%
Spotted Dove21%
Eastern Koel21%

I am not at all surprised the Koel is on the list, as I have been associating their very distinctive call with summer for many years now.

There's also disturbing news in Saturday's Age about 'Aggro native birds' squeezing out smaller species - let's hope the planting we are doing along the rail line provides more cover and protection for those smaller birds so they stick around.

Your Summer Survey Results | BIRDS in BACKYARDS