1 min read

Can You Recognise Stroke Symptoms?

Do not leave surviving a stroke to chance - plan now for immediate action
Can You Recognise Stroke Symptoms?

Quick access to medical services is critical in surviving a stroke, and reducing the sometimes life-altering consequences.

Could you assess another person's stroke symptoms?

Could you self-assess?

A proper medical diagnosis is needed - do not guess, do not be casual, do not delay getting medical attention.

A cafe conversation with one of our Village identities this week revealed an amazing story of a stroke suffered at night at home, a quick hospital trip, and  wonderfully successful treatment and recovery.

Time for us all to think - "What if this happened in our household?"

Talk about this in your family, with your neighbours.

If you live alone make a plan for how you will access emergency aid - remember confusion might cloud your judgement or lessen your resolve to do anything.

This is one of those "first aid" emergencies where time and decisive action can save a life, or dramatically affect a quality of life.