3 min read

Catholic School Children Treated To Heidelberg Picnic 1900

Heidelberg was host to a monster school picnic
Catholic School Children Treated To Heidelberg Picnic 1900
Once a thriving inner city church integrated with its parish school and community, now a burnt out shell.

Nilss has sent us this detailed account of how 800 schoolchildren from the Catholic parishes around Collingwood were treated to a picnic day at the Heidelberg Cricket Ground.

No casual affair this picnic - assemble after 8 a.m. Mass, march to the train, march from Heidelberg Station to the cricket ground.

Six years up to 16 years old then engaged in races for prizes!

Mercury and Weekly Courier, 27.04.1900, Page 2

The school children attending the Catholic schools of Collingwood were given a picnic on Easter Tuesday, the first that has been given them for many years past. The movement was set on foot some few months back by the Very Revd. Dean Phelan, who was then the parish priest of Collingwood.

The Archbishop, however, deemed it necessary to call Father Phelan for higher duties in the church, hence his services were lost to the picnic. Before leaving, however, he had two secretaries appointed, and then left all the arrangements in the hands of his successor (Rev. Father O'Brien) who took the matter up with great energy and brought the arrangements to a satisfactory standing.

The children, to the number of 800, assembled at St. Joseph's Church** at the 8 o'clock mass. After Father O'Brien had given a few instructions the children were formed four deep and marched to the Collingwood railway station, where a train was in waiting to convey them to Heidelberg - their picnic grounds.

It was a very pleasing sight to see how the children conducted themselves, thereby causing no delay or trouble to the railway authorities. During the journey the youngsters gave an exhibition of lung power.

On arrival of the train at Heidelberg the same marching order was maintained until the cricket ground, which had been hired, was reached, when the children were allowed to break away - an opportunity which they quickly availed themselves of.

The committee of ladies and gentlemen set about at once and provided a light refreshment for the children, after which they kept them well supplied at intervals during the day.

Amusements of all sorts were arranged including a merry-go-round, which had been hired and erected on the ground. Each child received a ticket entitling he or she to three rides.

Races for boys and girls from 6 years of age up to 16 were run during the afternoon. [..] Valuable prizes were attached to each race. Several lots of toys were ran for by the smaller children.

On the whole the day was a very enjoyable one, thanks to the energetic secretaries, Messrs G. Vines and Paul Murphy. Not the slightest hitch occurred in the arrangements.

Special thanks is due to the following priests who came out to the picnic and took a lively interest in the doings of the youngsters: - The Very Revd. Dean Phelan, Revd. Fathers Collins (Clifton Hill), Shiels (Geelong), and O'Brien (Collingwood). Also to all the ladies and gentlemen who so kindly assisted by donations of money, vehicles and goods, and to those who gave up their time on the day of the picnic in making everything nice and comfortable.

The children have already appreciated the efforts of the committee by sending them (per the secretaries) a beautiful worded letter of thanks, and the committee feel highly repaid for their efforts. The prizes won were given to the children on Thursday.

Something to marvel at this picnic - imagine marshalling 800 primary and secondary school children from mixed schools out to Heidelberg by train.

Then the challenge of entertaining and feeding them, while organising competitive sports!

Inner city kids on a day trip to the country. Magnificent.

** One of Melbourne’s oldest inner suburban churches, St Joseph’s, Collingwood, was destroyed in a fire that consumed the building early in the morning of Monday 2 April 2007.