Community Networking To Begin - Australia Post Grants $1000 to FofEV

Thanks to being nominated by George and Mary at Eaglemont Post Office & Newsagency, we have successfully applied for an Australia Post Community Grant.

AP makes grants of $1000 to community organizations to be applied to the well-being of those in their local communities.
Friends of Eaglemont Village called for proposals from our newsletter subscribers. Sixteen submissions were assessed, and we put forward a single project focussed on bringing people together.
We will create, and support through their formative stages, three networking groups:
• Mothers and babies - as traditionally understood but recognizing it may be the Dad or other carer bringing along their young charge

• Sit & Sew - being an inclusive outfit we reckon knitting, crocheting, tapestry & weaving can qualify. If it fits on your lap or a coffee shop table its all the same to us

• Older Men:New Ideas - aimed at those retirees who were well used to networks, meetings and conferences in their working lives, and who now find retirement lacks such opportunities to keep the grey matter under the grey hair active.

The initial meeting of each group is most likely to be a weekday morning at the Dish. Each group will be encouraged to determine its own favoured meeting arrangements.
Pre-registrations have been taken at the last 2 Village markets, and we will put up advertising about the neighbourhood soon.
Please mention this to family, friends, neighbours you think may be interested in being better networked - here where we live.
Encourage them to register with John 0417 813381.
No fees involved, and a free coffee and cake for all attendees of each of the first 3 meetings of each group.

Member discussion