1 min read

Dogs of Eaglemont #32

Photographic recognition of our canine companions
Dogs of Eaglemont #32
Spotted walking in Sherwood Road.

We do not ask for proof of ID to establish home addresses for eligibility for Dogs of Eaglemont.

Experience shows no dogs carry photo ID - putting one's hand out to check a registration disc carries certain risks for uncertain rewards.

This fine fellow is a visitor from Ivanhoe, and just being in The Village proximate to local coffee is enough to score a spot in Dogs of Eaglemont.

Especially if you are a blonde Labrador.

Eddie was up for a photo, was up for a phone lick, and reckons The Village has it all over that car-crazy Ivanhoe cafe strip.

Sad news to report to all of Raffa's acquaintences. The dark brown GSP - formerly of Studley Road, more recently of Ivanhoe, much loved at Chelsworth Park and The Village has passed on after giving his family years of adoring companionship.