2 min read

Dogs Of Eaglemont #36

A salute to our canine companions
Dogs Of Eaglemont #36
Dad dressed me today, Mum is sleeping in and waiting for her takeaway coffee.

Teddy spent his younger days as a Show Dog - just look at the deportment, that confident,steady stand, the disdainful look.

Show dogs are disdainful of cheaper phone cameras - and no velvet backdrops with prize ribbons displayed is below contempt.

Show dogs do not get the playful puppy time - they need a certain aloofness and resistance to distraction and frivolity.

Same attributes as Show judges manifest.

But good Show dogs get to be stud dogs. How did things turn out for you, Teddy?

His Mum says he is a big cuddly darling, but his weight and strength can be a challenge when scruffing and playing.