2 min read

Dogs of Eaglemont #42

A salute to our canine companions
Dogs of Eaglemont #42
Smokey grey Staffies with white highlights are such good looking dogs.

Staffies. English or American, they are all much loved in their families.

At 11 years old Cleo is getting a bit silvery around the muzzle. "Frosty chops" says her owner.

We had Ruby - a brindle Staffie bitch - for a year while our daughter was in the UK. Bit rough around the edges, oozing attitude, big on personality.

Just confirming that is the dog I am referring to.

Ruby thought herself a cut above our Light Blue Roan Cocker Spaniels Max and Tessa, and displayed a certain disdain for the flop-earred, carefully groomed Cockers.

Ruby could entertain herself by rolling a tennis ball onto the outside steps, chasing it down, then repeat. And repeat.

She did not denigrate herself by sniffing under gates to learn the rail station comings and goings. She went up onto the deck, up onto the bench seats, up onto the table - sat like the Dog on the Tucker Box, surveying her realm.

Then there was Lexxy, who came to live with us as James' pet. Such a calm, agree-able girl. Not the prettiest girl, as I frequently reminded her, but she was top shelf for personality. Gentle too.

Can be independent dogs, can Staffies

Good Dog Story

Homelessness affects pets too