2 min read

Dogs of Eaglemont #43

A salute to our canine companions
Dogs of Eaglemont #43
Lovely friendly dog Lola. In 1969 in Adelaide a group of naughty boys in a private school boarding house conspired to "adopt" a brindle boxer bitch looking very like Lola. Bloody cleaners blew the whistle. Wasted a whole roster of sickies to provide doggy day care.

Puppies are so endearing with their lively cavorting. This young Boston Terrier has personality in trumps.

"Hurry up fella, I got places to go, things to do!"

Older dogs can be more aloof, but also endearing. Does this guy remind you of Edgar J. Hoover?

Is it in the eyes? The nose? Wearing a leather collar?

Racing Greyhounds Re-homing & Care Is Faltering

Well intentioned people are involved in the process to re-home "retired" greyhounds, but they are overwhelmed by demand from an industry that breeds too many dogs in the quest for a genetic marvel.

The result is dogs are being left in the care of "trainers" for too many of whom the dogs are demoted to inconvenient costs.

Perhaps it is time for our community to demand greater restrictions on the number of greyhound pups bred annually.

Better for the dogs if a system that relied on the quality of training replaced the present system that relies on breeding large numbers in the hope a freak turns up.

A curious and expensive scheme has emerged in NSW for "retired" (actually too slow = surplus) greyhounds to be transported to the USA as comfort dogs for police with PTSD.

Warning: the following ABC News article contains information that may cause distress.