1 min read

Dogs of Eaglemont #49

A salute to our canine companions
Dogs of Eaglemont #49
"Hurry up with the camera Bro, I got places to go."

Lovely winter coat Duggie, but suggest you claim a spot by the airconditioner vents come the summer, el Ninò and all.

Business is booming at the dog grooming parlour as summer clips are sought.

I detect that with school holidays having started a few youngsters are being instructed to get off that computer and get outside.

A younger coterie of dogwalkers are abroad, with some dogs not usually seen around the cafes.

Plenty of "designer dogs" to be seen in Eaglemont nowadays.

I expect that where our tradition dog breeds were selected for certain physical attributes and behaviours as stock working dogs, field and game dogs etc, and eventually became companion dogs, the newbies are bred for domestic companionship - and not shedding hair on carpets.