2 min read

Dogs of Eaglemont #52

A salute to our canine companions
Dogs of Eaglemont #52
"Sit Billie, sit. That's Shake, and the other paw please."
Very nice companion dog is Billie the French Bulldog.

One minute a dog is lost in its own thoughts at a cafe, there is a re-assuring waft of toast and coffee, then suddenly there is this "Do this, do that, Sit, Stand, here Billie, look here" carry on.

Mary V stopped by when the Creative Blokes were in session in Stephen's garage (a.k.a. The Studio) to expressly thank us for the enjoyable daily walk between her house and the Village cafes.

Mary explained her dog Phoenix is so small, old and frail that the walk is of necessity very slow, and she gets much time to view the gardens along Sherwood Road.

She has become very adept at noticing small changes to plants leaves, buds and flowers!

Bad Dog Story

Must be a tough gig being the Leader of the Free World, President of a deeply divided country, your boy in the courts, and you are trying to deal with every manner of domestic political turmoil - without the family dog biting your staff and the security detail.......

From White House to the Dog House is a long lonely walk for naughty Commander.

"Bad dog! No! No biting!"

Fox & Dog Cross Found