1 min read

Eaglemont Social Walking Group

Add a chat to your walk, meet new people, go on different routes
Eaglemont Social Walking Group

Every day - mornings and late afternoons mostly - numerous locals can be seen out walking for exercise or pleasure around the leafy streets of Eaglemont.

Mostly walking alone, sometimes with a partner or friend. Often with the dog.

Some are really digging in, getting that aerobic fitness sorted. Others are ambling along, absorbed in their thoughts, taking in the scenery.

Then there are those pushing the prams and strollers, just needing to be outdoors.

There are weekday organized walking groups in the area that have drawn strong numbers for a long time - some people are known to use more than one group each week.

For those who prefer a weekend social walking group in our own community, Friends of Eaglemont Village has been conducting a Sunday morning social walk.

This initiative has been under the Heart Foundation Walks brand, but you do not need to be referred by your doctor or cardiologist!

These casual walks are conducted to suit the fitness level of all involved - no-one is left behind.

Our Eaglemont walks start from the Eaglemont Village at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday (weather permitting), and typically we return between 10:30 & 11.

Walks are planned to an intermediate coffee and toilet opportunity, then we return by a different route.

Visits into Ivanhoe, Heidelberg and East Ivanhoe.

In the future we may take the train one or two stops to increase the walking routes available.

Bring the dog, bring the baby, bring a partner or friend. Most importantly bring a smile.

No fees, no uniform - just some company and support in your community.