2 min read

Eaglemont - Winter Playground of Gang Gangs

A great start to the day - Gang Gangs visiting!
Eaglemont - Winter Playground of Gang Gangs
Handsome chap tucking in to E. caesia seeds on Studley Road

Brilliant scarlet plumage, feeding right by the footpath, un-noticed by dozens of pedestrians.

Breakfast in the 'burbs. Such placid, trusting birds that people passing just 2 metres away miss the sighting.

Our Saturday morning "lie in with a cuppa" was transformed by the arrival of two pairs of Gang Gangs in a "Silver Princess" Eucalyptus caesia on our nature strip.

For an hour we were able to observe the group through the (thankfully clean) bedroom windows.

Cooperating, feeding, grooming, looking right back at us. Not deterred by barking dogs wanting to play, not wary of passers-by.

These are the moments you dream of when you plant your garden, your nature strip, public lands to Australian native vegetation.

Plant it and they will come.

It all pales a bit in comparison to the visiting Gang Gangs but we have been treated to Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos, Corellas, Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos, Galahs, several lorikeet species as "headline" birds - plus a long list of other suburban birds.

Night time brings owls and tawny frogmouths.

These Gang Gangs win the Avian Stakes by the length of the straight.