2 min read

Fur, Feathers, Flowers & More #3

A treatise by instalments on Eaglemont's natural history.
Fur, Feathers, Flowers & More #3
Autumn is always colourful in Eaglemont.

Mary gets us off to a great start this week with 3 photos of our Friends plantings close to her home.

Hakea flowers vary greatly in shape and colour. The familiar types are the red/ivory balls on the Pin Cushion Hakea and the pink spears of Hakea francesciana. These ball-type flowers of Hakea petiolaris (Sea Urchin hakea) are spectacular.
If my viens stood out like this I would be worried. This should be a botany class exhibit.
Lovely lemon clusters against chalky grey-green leaves.
Tucked away by the Two-faced teatree is a small Commersonia amystia.

And then there are correas.......

Yellow-tailed black cockatoos scoping out Eaglemont food supplies. A small flock of 5 were moving along Sherwood Road.