3 min read

Fur, Feathers, Flowers & More #5

Your next Beautiful Eaglemont instalment
Fur, Feathers, Flowers & More #5
Simply stunning maple at Edendale

A pleasant enough trip with Stephen to Edendale Farm at Eltham to collect trays of native plants seedlings was certainly improved by happening upon this glorious maple.

The part-hidden neighbouring tree (left) was more wind exposed, and somewhat denuded in the upper branches - this one remained in full leaf.

Fair enough, its not Eaglemont, it's not an Australian native- but we were impressed, and are envious.

Similar northern hemisphere deciduous trees are colouring up here. The weather is assisting the leaves to hang on the trees longer.

What can we show you from Eaglemont this week?

Bev rarely misses a chance to tell me that more plants and more maintenance are needed up near Odenwald Road. This wattle is brightening up her area. She came out to help the VicTrack volunteers planting this week. Well done, Bev

Swan River pea revealing its scimitar shaped scarlet flowers
Eremophila in the station entrance garden
Possums are suspected of stealing the painted acorn figures previously in this treehouse. A retired police Forensics Officer is on the case.
Kookaburra sits in the old poplar tree,..........This guy tolerated being harassed by a magpie perched above, and a flock of noisy miners, in Sherwood Road.
The hakea gift that continues giving

Featured Beast Of The Week - Eastern Spinebill

A beautifully marked visitor to Eaglemont gardens.

We have a large prostrate eremophila cascading down a retaining wall off Studley Road.

Eastern Spinebills frequent the area, scrambling from branch to branch to get nectar from the tubular flowers. Their curved thin beak is ideally suited to the task.

A small bird with muted but attractive feathers, it has a pleasant, penetrating piping call that betrays its presence.

Wildflower of the Week

This week we introduce a new series looking at wildflower specimens Friends of Eaglemont Village have planted in our neighbourhood.

These plants, which we put in public spaces for community enjoyment, are suitable for private gardens.

Plant of the Week -

Guichenotia macranthra

Delicate crepe paper-like bells hanging from G. macranthra

Our best specimen is at the junction of Thorseby and Sherwood, opposite the Canary Island palm.