1 min read

Housing Crisis - Knee-jerk Demolitions Not Needed

As simple as "Save Ivanhoe" - and Eaglemont & East Ivanhoe
Housing Crisis - Knee-jerk Demolitions Not Needed
Let's retain the family bungalows of Ivanhoe, Eaglemont and East Ivanhoe - present and future generations value them even if our planners do not.

A major housing conference in Queensland has concluded after 3 days intensive consideration of the current Australia-wide housing crisis.

Several practical proposals are put forward, with the caveat that about 30 years consistent policy and effort will likely be needed to return to a satisfactory housing market.

Desecrating "inner and middle leafy suburbs" by building highrise towers  where family bungalows now stand is not mentioned as a solution.

Successful overseas strategies are identified.

An initiative in New York slashed the AirB&B stock by 70% by the requirement that the hosts must be living in the same dwelling space offered to short-term renters.

Let's all hope our local council and politicians are paying attention.