Give your insights about how liveable our suburb is in 2023 - don't let decision-makers operate on the basis of outdated perceptions
Put the real Eaglemont properly on Banyule Council's map - and it's Budget, and it's To Do list.
Banyule Council has contracted a survey firm to find out from residents how liveable we consider our suburbs.
Have YOUR say - don't be an observer, be a contributor. Don't be a wallflower, get up and dance!
Make your voice heard: 'Living in Place' survey
Dear Shaping Banyule Members!
Banyule City Council is conducting a'Living in Place' surveyto understand your experience of 16 liveability attributes across the municipality including feeling safe, affordable decent housing and access to the natural environment.
Thesurveywill help to ensure that Council decision-making and advocacy is focused on the community's needs and the things residents want to advance their quality of life.
The survey is being conducted (informed decisions), a leading Australian demographic and economic consultancy. Survey responses will be analysed by .id and reported back to Banyule in aggregate form.No individual survey responses will be provided to Banyule City Council.
The Community Engagement and Strategic Projects Teams
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This is a chance to make the Council - elected members and staff - aware of the true "as lived" situation in your neighbourhood.
75% of Eaglemont house sales now create a multi-unit development. Private space is disappearing.
Let's dispel the myths and outdated information about how liveable our suburbs actually are.
Make out your case about access to nature, to open spaces for play, exercise or to relax in, about parking, about traffic conditions, about noise, nuisance, tower block dwellings or whatever impacts your quality of life - to the extent it is a local government issue.
Pedestrians without footpaths on Odenwald bridge, cars driving in the middle of the road on a narrow 1888 farm bridge in 2023. In 2021 Council voted $90,000 to improve pedestrian safety here -NOTHING has occurred on the ground.
Remember aged care, childcare, home assistance packages, public toilet access, public transport, safe streets, graffiti, waste removal ......... all these and more have a local government component, even if it is only for advocacy to other levels of government.
Multiple community centres and neighbourhood houses north of Bell/Banksia - how about the Eaglemont residents?
There is a free text question in the survey where you can log the matters not adequately covered by the structured survey.
It only takes a few minutes to complete the survey.
Can you spare a few minutes to help end this disgrace? Give your Council some feedback about the glaring lack of pedestrian safety here in Eaglemont.
You can offer to be available for follow-up interview by the survey firm.
All individual information is private to the survey firm - Council will only receive aggregated responses and summaries.
Member discussion