3 min read

John's nomination for Banyule Citizen of the year

John's nomination for Banyule Citizen of the year

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Describe the contribution the nominee has made to the Banyule Community?

President of Eaglemont Stationeers and Friends of Eaglemont Village, John Walkley plays a significant role in the community of Eaglemont Village.  He was instrumental to the establishment of the two groups, which both work to deliver on John's vision of enhancing the environment along the rail line and around the Village, making the experience of walking to the village a more enjoyable and picturesque one.

Prior to establishing these groups John was very involved in ensuring, together with other community members, that the sub-station installed in Sherwood Road in 2017 was appropriately screened by native vegetation.  This is now well established and makes that section of Sherwood Road very appealing.

The groups are rehabilitating previously neglected, weed choked land, by removing weed species and litter, and planting Australian natives, to the benefit of the environment and the wildlife, and encouraging more people to walk to the Village.  John has also been liaising with the rail authorities regarding the progressive removal of weed species in and around the Station so they can be replaced in stages to ensure the green screening of the tracks is maintained.

He has been instrumental in the recent establishment of three new community groups for the Friends of Eaglemont Village.  These are the Mothers and Babies network which is open to all carers of infants; Sit and Sew, which includes a wide range of crafts; and the soon to commence Older Men, New Ideas.

In what ways has the nominee demonstrated excellence in their field?

John has helped to put Eaglemont, and Banyule on the map through the Stationeers and the Friends of Eaglemont Village working bees.  Many organisations and groups have visited to participate, and John has been responsible for all the liaison and organisation of these events.  The most recent was the Planet Ark Tree Planting Day, with about 50 participants from as far afield as Dandenong and Port Melbourne.

He leads by example, being responsible for much of the weed removal and replacement himself, having also propagated many of the native plants.  He also consults with other active members of the Village community about projects and priorities.  With a background in Health and Safety he has ensured that all of this has been done safely, especially during the COVID times.

Describe how the nominee is an inspiration/role model to their community?

John inspires other members of the community through his dedication to supporting Eaglemont Village.  He publishes a newsletter that goes out to over 180 people every week.  He leads also by example, advocating for and frequenting the Village, getting his hands dirty on working bees, clearing weeds and litter, and planting new plants, many of which he has propagated from seeds and cuttings from previous plantings

He is an important member of the Village community, establishing a weekly newsletter, and is President of the community groups Eaglemont Stationeers and Friends of Eaglemont Village.  In the last few months two of the new community groups (the Mothers and Babies Network, and the Sit and Sew Group) have been meeting for coffee and cake at one of the cafes, funded by a grant from Australia Post.  John was responsible for obtaining this, and other grants, and the remaining Australia Post funding will be used to get an Older Men, New Ideas group established in the near future.

He does all of this, and then turns around to help his wife with her charity quilting projects and functions, and neighbours with all kinds of things. Two hip replacements slowed him down temporarily, but not for long.

How long has this person been contributing to the Banyule community?

This activity started in 2017/2018, but as a resident of Banyule since the late 1980s we are sure John has been contributing to the community in many other ways.

Describe how the nominee has gone "Above and Beyond" in their profession/volunteer work for their community?

John is a tireless advocate for Eaglemont Village, the businesses and the community members.

He has propagated many of the plants used to beautify the land along the rail line; organised many working bees; liaised with other groups (Keep Australia Beautiful, VicTrack, Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School to name a few) to facilitate their own working bees; and organised Clean Up Australia and Tree Planting events.

John leads a team of volunteers gardening once a month at Ryder Cheshire Homes in Ivanhoe; and weekly Heart Health walks around the area, even though he’s had two hip replacements recently.  And this is probably not all of it.

Please provide a short statement about why you believe the nominee should receive the 2023 Banyule Citizen of the Year Award.

John Walkley is the kind of man every community needs.  His energy and passion for the Village, its community and its environment have inspired many to become involved.  His presence is a large part of Eaglemont Village being a welcoming, friendly and caring community that coped well during the COVID lockdowns, and continues to pull together and improve the Eaglemont environment for everyone.