2 min read

Join Our Sunday Morning Heart Foundation Walks

As much social as exercise - we always walk to the pace of the slowest walker present.
Join Our Sunday Morning Heart Foundation Walks
Taking a breather in Ivanhoe Park. Pepper the kelpie perpetual motion machine is annoyed by the hold up.

Why walking?

Walking for an average of 30 minutes or more a day can lower the risk of heart disease, stroke by 35% percent and Type 2 diabetes by 40%.

It’s not just your heart and muscles that benefit from walking. Regular physical activity has been proven to:

• Manage weight, blood pressure and cholesterol

• Reduce your risk of some cancers

• Maintain bone density, reducing risk of osteroporosis and fractures

• Improve balance and coordination, reducing your risk of falls and other injuries.

Our group assembles at 76 Silverdale Road for a 9:30 a.m. departure unless otherwise notified eg catching an earlier train at Eaglemont for a walk from a couple stations distant.

Last trading day for Glen the butcher - famous for his Eaglemont hams made on the premises.

Typically the walk includes a coffee stop at the halfway mark, and we aim to be back at Eaglemont by 11.

Dogs are welcome.

There are no fees, no uniforms, no pulse or pace measurements.

At no extra cost a commentary on local history, architecture, geography, botany and current affairs is thrown in.