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Mothers & Babies Group Sets Meetings Dates

Helping young parents retain their sanity
Mothers & Babies Group Sets Meetings Dates
Selecting those that say "Baaaaah"

The first meeting of the Mothers & Babies group (a.k.a. Parents & Progeny) has taken place at the Eaglemont Dish.

Pippa advises that the first attendees have nominated the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays each month at 1:30 p.m., Eaglemont Dish as the meeting schedule.

These meeting times are subject to review as further people attend, or indicate a need to have further options.

The key determinant of a suitable meeting time is, naturally, the feeding and sleeping times of the infant.

Contact Pippa on 0488 091396 more information.

There are no joining fees and no ongoing costs - quite the opposite!

Friends of Eaglemont Village is able to provide free coffee/cake for the first 3 meetings - all courtesy of Australia Post's Community Grant.

Should you have a toddler (or 2) plus a baby, you just might be concerned about keeping a toddler occupied at a cafe while you network with other mums. Maybe we can help out, maybe a play group for toddlers is needed too.