3 min read

Newsletter 25 August

Newsletter 25 August

Coming Up:

Meet Up and Make It craft group Thursday 5 September 2 pm in The Dish

Working Bees

  • Wednesday 28 August 9.30 am at Ryder Cheshire Homes, 14 Donaldson St Ivanhoe, with yummy home-made cakes for morning tea afterwards
  • Saturday 31 August 1 pm meet on Alandale opposite Wimbledon Grove
  • Saturday 7 September 9.30 am also on Alandale opposite Wimbledon

Many thanks to everyone who has turned out to help on our Saturday afternoon working bees through August, we've dealt with lots of weeds, staking and restaking, and other tidying tasks, as well as putting in lots of the plants John Walkley propagated, together with some funded by VicTrack and others.

Scroll down for more news, some with links:

* John’s bench in the Fairy garden has been getting a lot of use;

* Cr McKern is requesting some feedback about Odenwald Bridge;

* Did you go to school in this area?  The Heidelberg Historical Society’s current exhibition should bring back some memories;

* If you'd like a Banyule calendar for 2025 you need to order it;

* Nilss has found a description of the (very indirect and slow) train trip from Spencer St to Heidelberg back in the days of steam; and some walks around Eaglemont;

* Thanks to Mary V for news of an electric ferry;

* and finally Dogs of Eaglemont; and some Spring colour.

Happy reading!!

John's bench :

Just one of several groups in the Fairy Garden this month
Odenwald Bridge - your thoughts are invited
Alida McKern, Councillor for Chelsworth ward, advocated for a separate pedestrian bridge at the Odenwald bridge site—on the feedback from FoEV that the bridge was unsafe for pedestrian traffic. This was successful in achieving: 1) Council-installed traffic calming measures (recently completed), and…

Did you go to school in this area?  Heidelberg Historical Society's current exhibition:

Banyule Calendar: If you'd like a Banyule calendar for 2025 you need to request it - use this link https://www.banyule.vic.gov.au/Events-activities/Calendar-request

Spencer Street to Heidelberg by train (1888 – 1901) (back then it would have been a steam train, and this was long before there was a station at Eaglemont)

Although Preston's residents had complained long and loud about the service, they should have spared a thought for their neighbours in Heidelberg. Most of the journeys from Spencer Street to Heidelberg took just under an hour and a half. - After wandering through Royal Park to North Fitzroy, the train then diverted up to the Fitzroy station, shunted back to North Fitzroy, across to Clifton Hill, along the second spur to Collingwood, then finally back to Clifton Hill and then bravely on to Heidelberg.  (Thanks to Nilss for finding this).

Walking around Eaglemont (again, thanks Nilss)

Eaglemont historic homestead walk
Take a walk in Eaglemont to get a glimpse of the bush setting that inspired the Heidelberg School of Artists. The suburb is home to many historic houses as well as innovatively designed modern ones.

This link should take you to other walks in Banyule.  There is an Eaglemont North and an Eaglemont South walk, as well as a number of other walks with guides you can download from this page  https://www.banyule.vic.gov.au/Events-activities/Walking-circuits

Thanks to Mary V for sending us this photo - Is anything like this happening locally?  Let us know if you know.

Dogs of Eaglemont # 72
Eaglemont’s Voice - the home of Friends of Eaglemont Village

Spring is definitely here - there's lots of colour along the rail line.