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Newsletter Sunday 26 May

Newsletter Sunday 26 May

Coming up:

Working Bees: Wednesday 29 May, 9.30 at Ryder Cheshire Homes (morning tea with yummy home made cakes provided afterwards); Saturday 1 June  9.30 meet at 43a Sherwood Rd.

Sit and Sew: Thursday 6 June, 2pm at The Dish.  Bring along something you are making (it doesn't have to be sewing); some mending, or just drop in for a chat.

We send our very best wishes to Bev Holland for a speedy recovery following a nasty fall.  We look forward to seeing you back in the Village very soon, Bev.

Scroll down for some good news and photos from around the Village, an update from President Stephen Lake about the dry conditions (and other things), Nilss' contribution, and Council info.  And of course, Dogs of Eaglemont!

Thanks to George and Mary from the Post Office for nominating us, we've been awarded another Australia Post grant!  It will be used for the informative wildflower walks for our young folk that Stephen Lake is developing.

We keep being told how much people appreciate the Fairy Garden, and here's some evidence!  These two families arrived just as we were finishing the working bee around there on Saturday 4 May.

And THANK YOU to Banyule Council for a $200 contribution to be used for the benefit of volunteers, and for an enjoyable dinner and evening's entertainment. FoEV had a table at the Volunteer Dinner held by Banyule Council in the Town Hall this week, and Cr Castaldo drew our name out of the hat!  The money will be used for the après-working bee coffees in the Village.

The Ivanhoe Centre in full regalia!
The fences have come down on the Nature-play additions to the Righi Reserve playground
Some rain or just very little.......the story of our recent summer precipitation.
Hello Friends, I write this month to tell you how lucky we have been with the weather over summer (make no mistake I write entirely in regards to how the weather affected our plants we have nurtured around the station areas). The following rainfall totals from the BOM website, recorded

Nilss has located some views of Eaglemont that not many of us have seen ...

Eaglemont from a train driver’s perspective
Thanks to Nilss for finding these photos from the early 2000s. Not many people get to see Eaglemont this way…

Council news  Today is the last day for completing the Housing and Neighbourhood Character Survey - if you have missed the cut-off but have things to say to Council about it put your comments in a letter/email to strategic.planning@banyule.vic.gov.au.  If you do this soon they should accept the feedback.

There are consultations about the 2024-2028 Budget; the Self-Determination Strategy; and Banyule Futures - the plan for the next 4 years.  Visit Shaping Banyule.   https://shaping.banyule.vic.gov.au/

Banyule Council wants your input into their plan for the next 4 years
This involves the Council Plan 2025-2029; the Health and Wellbeing Plan; the Asset Plan; and the Budget. There’s a survey open til 23 June, and a Self-service stand at Ivanhoe Library and Cultural Hub where you can complete a paper survey. Getting involved may mean you are eligible for a
Dogs of Eaglemont #70
Eaglemont’s Voice - the home of Friends of Eaglemont Village