Queensland Fruit Fly - A Problem Coming For Home Gardeners
Don't hope there is no Queensland Fruit Fly about - check for it, then eradicate it.
Get Those Bikes On The Footpath!
Bikes, pedestrians & vehicles co-exist harmoniously in a city with 12 times Melbourne's population density.
Calls for Heidelberg Station upgrade -
Great patience required in 1901 ingetting "movement at the station". Perhaps A. B. PATERSON was referring to a different station.
False, false, false
Does the parking lot of the Town Hall complex at Ivanhoe qualify as "public open space"? A place for a picnic, to throw a frisbee, to have a scratch cricket match? Banyule Council claims it is!
Eaglemont Tennis Club
Eaglemont has had many moments in the sporting spotlight but eventually housing has crowded out our sporting venues.
9 April Newsletter - Friends of Eaglemont Village
This is a consolidation of the posts to our community newsletter in the past week.
this weeks articles
Monster Cat
Community Centre Needed
Neighbourhood houses should be accessible in ALL neighbourhoods!
A group to bring locals together for sociable "sit & sew" sessions is being formed by Friends of Eaglemont Village.
Toward Zero Waste
Are you committed to waste reduction? Do you want to graduate from thinking about it to doing it?
Mothers & Babies Eaglemont group being formed
FofEV works for a stronger community - our local mothers & babies deserve a local support network. Accessible, supportive, understanding mothers close by.