1 min read

Pippa's thoughts about our FoEV future.

The best way we can really honour John's memory is to keep his good work going as much as we can.  And we need YOUR HELP with this.  Come and talk to us at the Friends of Eaglemont Village Stall at the Christmas Market next Sunday 10 December about what you are interested in helping with.
The sorts of things you can help with include (but are not limited to):

  • help with organising working bees (weeding, pruning, planting); Clean Up Australia day and other events
  • watering plants in the drier times, and keeping the water crates topped up so all can help
  • if you have a towbar on your vehicle we now have a trailer we need moved sometimes
  • help for a time on the stall on Market days
  • keep an eye on what council is doing
  • write articles for the newsletter
  • make us aware of things that need attention

What we have been doing?

As well as working along the rail line (planting, weeding, pruning) and sending out the newsletter we have been:

  • maintaining the nature strip on the corner of Alandale and Silverdale Roads
  • creating sculptures and other artworks
  • established a monthly Sit & Sew group and a fortnightly Mothers and Babies network
  • doing a lot of advocacy to council (local park/public toilets/community facility/Odenwald bridge etc
  • keeping an eye on planning issues affecting the area
  • As Stationeers, liaising with VicTrack, Metro and Keep Australia Beautiful.  We had a very successful planting day with them in May, and a staged weed removal program has started
  • A monthly working bee at Ryder Cheshire Homes in Ivanhoe (they provide morning tea and wonderful home-made cakes afterwards!)