3 min read

Public Toilets Under Council Review

Since the Railways chose to close the Eaglemont Station public toilets to the public decades ago we have been denied a basic service.
Public Toilets Under Council Review
Modular public toilets - small, clean, accessible & safe. Widely used by metropolitan, regional & country councils.
Followers of FofEV's newsletters will recognise our framed picture of the Eaglemont public toilets.

For a long time Friends of Eaglemont Village has campaigned for the public to have access to public toilet facilities in Eaglemont.

Ineffectively. Without success. No result.

Now we can make another plea for the provision of a facility to meet a most basic human need.

Deputy Mayor Alida McKern - one of our local ward councillors - has alerted us to a Council-wide review of the availability & adequacy of public toilets across Banyule.

"Knowing the community’s  concerns regarding lack of public toilet access in Eaglemont,  I thought you would be interested to read about and contribute to the public toilet plan being undertaken by Council—regarding safety, service and location.

Im also interested to know our local community’s thoughts on the public toilet in Ivanhoe—on Waterdale Road

Could you help to spread the word on this?"

FofEV will certainly help spread the word.

Sceenshot of Banyule Council's Shaping Banyule page calling for public input

FofEV urges all residents & visitors to participate in this Council call for community input.


Please make clear in your input the provision of public toilets in places lacking any public toilet access should be placed ahead of of upgrades to existing facilities.

Look at the map! Look at the biggest Banyule zone lacking any public toilets - Eaglemont!

Eaglemont suffers worst public toilet access in all of Banyule. Again, highest rates, lowest service!

This lack of public toilets impacts our whole community all the time.

Toilet hire adds unnecessary costs to our monthly Village markets.

Walking groups avoid Eaglemont because of the known lack of public toilets.

Our own residents have to plan recreational walks around the lack of public toilets - how far from home for how long are you game to venture?

Go to this webpage now to give Council your views on the matter.

Remember to put a pin on the map for Eaglemont.