1 min read

Eaglemont's Rintel family went caravaning in 1947

Eaglemont's Rintel family went caravaning in 1947
When radio was king - a local family featured on Radio 3DB's Musical Families hour!

The Herald, 22.12.1947, Page 14 (tracked down by Nilss)


"A frying pan, washboard, Jew´s harp and whistle, will be among the strange instruments used by the Rintels of Eaglemont, in their contribution to 3DB´s "Musical Families" tonight at 8.

The family made headlines some months back when they bought a caravan, advertised for companions, and made a trip of several hundred miles into central Australia. Some of the amusing sidelights of the journey will be told in interviews with Eric Pearce."

A post-WW2 bondwood caravan - the ice chest era.....

How television, sealed roads, reliable vehicles and other modern technologies have changed our lives.

Imagine settling into an armchair alongside the Xmas tree back in 1947 to focus on the HMV console radio as "Musical Families" crackled and hissed over the airwaves.

Well done the Rintels of Eaglemont for "getting out and having a go."