1 min read

The Diary of the Welsh Swagman (1869-1894) A Christmas Story.

The Diary of the Welsh Swagman (1869-1894) A Christmas Story.

By Brett (the Mattock) Barclay.

A worthwhile recommended read is this detailed diary kept by Welshman Joseph Jenkins.
The following is excerpts relating to Christmas period.

December 1875

I walked nine miles through thick bush in the direction of Newbridge. There I found 150 harvesters craving for employment at a low wage. I managed to find work with a farmer William Brownbill of Rosewood Farm (Ed. Central Victoria). I was engaged at 6s a day or 5d an hour stacking the cut wheat.

After a busy day, reaping and binding corn, when there was much thunder and lightning, but no rain. I returned in the evening to prepare instruments to observe the movements of Venus. It was plainly seen, it appeared as a common spot on the disc as on an ordinary white table plate.

Enjoyed a good dinner on Christmas day. Two roasted geese among five of us, plenty of good beef and plum pudding as well, they have plenty of geese on this farm. I counted ninety in one flock.