2 min read

Update - Heritage Day Wildflower walk; and more about the Housing Strategy

There was beautiful weather on Sunday for a most successful Heritage Day in the Village, with lots of stalls, visitors and vintage train rides.  And of course our first wildflower guided walk.  If you've walked along Sherwood Road recently you may have noticed some of the plants now have name labels, in preparation for our guided walks.   We plan to do similar walks at the Christmas market, and walks for groups of children (with their adults) can be arranged for other times - contact eaglemontvoice@outlook.com.

Thanks to all those people who worked so hard to get our first wildflower walk up and running.  Stephen Lake, whose idea it was, and who did so much organisation and preparation; Steve C, Sally, Stephen, Liz L, Brett B, and Mike, for guiding the walk on the day; Pippa at our trailer; Derek, Judith, Gill, Mike and Stephen for weeding and tidying up the area over the last two Saturday afternoons and Brett who's been working hard along much of Sherwood Rd; Liz D, Mary V and others for helping with plant identification; and of course Australia Post for the grant funding.  

We had about 25 people take part, including children of various ages, and they seemed to enjoy themselves. Overall a fitting living tribute to John Walkley - his vision, hard work and leadership.

Three groups were guided through the Wildflower walk, and then collected a free plant from the trailer.

More about the Housing Strategy: following on from the last update about the amendment adopted at the Council meeting on 5 August, I should add that it was supported by 8 councillors, only Cr Dimarelos (Olympia Ward) voting against it.  Cr Castaldo (Griffin Ward - map below) would also like it noted that he advocated to contain the level of growth in Eaglemont by pushing it to the activity centres (Ivanhoe and Heidelberg) and main roads.  A combination of community feedback, councillor discussions and officers responding to the feedback resulted in the level of change being reduced from 'increased change' to 'incremental change' initially for Castle St in Eaglemont; and then for Rotherwood Road and Townsend St in the 5 August amendment.

Griffin ward