2 min read

Vacant Block To Remain Vacant

Good try but no cigar
Vacant Block To Remain Vacant
The old hairdressers is mostly demolished but behind the hoarding the ground conditions also present difficulties.

Friends of Eaglemont Village alerted Banyule Council to the availability of the long-vacant Silverdale Road block as temporary space for seating or outdoor dining.

Our FofEV discussions with the site owner established he was willing to have the site used for a number of years at nil rent but a rates rebate while the land was given over to community use.

Council staff from multiple departments have investigated the potential of the site but have decided that, even on the very generous terms of use, the remediation of the site would cost too much for too limited community benefits.

Doubtless the small size and awkward block shape are limiting, as is the remnant roof structure.

While the cost/value equation is understood and accepted this is a disappointing outcome.

There are simply no easy or cheap options for the Council to find space or premises to meet reasonable community demands for reasonable & accessible community facilities.

High costs hereabouts are matched by the high rates local residents pay year after year to the Council on account of high local property values.

Perhaps it is time to petition Council for a discounted rate based on the remoteness - hence inaccessibility - from Council facilities and services?

FofEV has alerted Council that #76 Silverdale Road (the bulk foods store premises) is listed for sale with Jellis Craig.

This is a larger, more regular shaped block. Centrally located, close to the train station, close to parking.

Now Council has decided to sell the public hall in Hawdon Street Heidelberg there is a need for a replacement.

There are several long time user groups being evicted from the hall in

Hawdon Street, and difficulty is being experienced in finding suitable local alternatives.

Catch the train, walk, drive from Heidelberg to Eaglemont - it is exactly the same distance Eaglemont people are expected to travel to Heidelberg.