2 min read

VicTrack Volunteers At Eaglemont

Big boost to plantings in our bushland wildflower walks courtesy of VicTrack.
VicTrack Volunteers At Eaglemont
Plants from Edendale Nursery, Plantmark & our own FofEV nursery were sorted for 5 different zones from Odenwald Road to Ashby Grove.

A great effort last Tuesday when VicTrack volunteers pitched in to help Eaglemont Stationeers beautify rail and Council lands near Eaglemont.

Tools, plants & litter bags being sorted for the Volunteers Week working bee

Not only did they pitch in for volunteer labour, but VicTrack provided a $2000 budget for plants!

(We elected to use the funds predominantly for small shrubs, grasses, groundcovers and wildflowers. 270 tubestock from Edendale, 200 x 140mm pots from Plantmark, plus we drew 30 plants from our production nursery.)

Then there was the catered morning tea and lunch........

This bed opposite Wimbledon Grove was sprayed and turned last year. Don and Brett have done some preparation recently.
VicTrack volunteers planting grasses into the mulched bed.

Down at Ashby Grove we had maintenance work being undertaken under the rail bridge.

Kirsty from Keep Australia Beautiful (Vic) dealt with kikuyu encroachment before planting up the corner.
Plant guards betray new plantings
In Spring we will return to this spot to start reducing the weed species trees at the bottom of the embankment.

At the conclusion FoEV gave each volunteer a Thank You pack - a certificate, a pamphlet describing Eaglemont's rail and town planning history, together with a small seed package of helichrysum seeds.

Feedback from our visitors is that they really enjoyed their day at Eaglemont, and were delighted to be made so welcome.

Thanks to Stephen L., Stephen C., Liz L., Pippa G., Mike F., Brett B. and Robert B. for their contribution of time, energy and good humour to make the day a success, both on the day and in the lead up.